Neighborhood-Science, created by Dr. Darlyne de Haan, is the place to find engaging, standards aligned hands-on science and math videos for remote and in-class instruction that align with Brain-Based science. We use researched based educational strategies that engage students and keep them excited about science and math. Our goal is to provide an educational experience for students in grades K-12 that works towards sealing the "Leaky STEM Pipeline" that disproportionately eliminates females, and culturally, linguistically and ethnically diverse kids from disadvantaged communities
from STEM careers.
Neighborhood-Science, created by Dr. Darlyne de Haan, is the place to find engaging, standards aligned hands-on science and math videos for remote and in-class instruction that align with Brain-Based science. We use researched based educational strategies that engage students and keep them excited about science and math. Our goal is to provide an educational experience for students in grades K-12 that works towards sealing the "Leaky STEM Pipeline" that disproportionately eliminates females, and culturally, linguistically and ethnically diverse kids from disadvantaged communities
from STEM careers.
Children will learn to love learning if we show enthusiasm over the process rather than fixating on results. -David Epstein-
An Introduction by Dr. Darlyne de Haan
"Dr. d"
"Dr. d"
Dr. Darlyne de Haan (Dr. d) explains why she created Neighborhood-Science and it's intended impact on STEM for under-represented populations.
Culturally Responsive Teaching in Math and Science is long overdue. Culturally Responsive mathematics and science is about inviting ALL students into math and science as participants and allowing ALL students to know that their ideas are worth sharing and ensuring ALL students' success in the math and science arena. |
Understanding the Leaky STEM Pipeline
In this video, Bremen de Haan and I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Bert Lopez, Host of Latino Motion, about the Leaky Pipeline and how it impacts low-income Latino and minority students.
To learn more about the Leaky Pipeline click here. |
The definition of The Leaky STEM Pipeline:
The Leaky STEM Pipeline- is a metaphor for students’ disproportionate exit from participation in STEM content areas throughout K-12 school and college, resulting in their underrepresentation in STEM careers. Middle and high school ELs, students of color, and girls—particularly those from low-income families[1] and schools—are disproportionately excluded or dropped from the STEM pipeline at formative moments in their academic trajectories (Lyon et al., 2012).
[1] Low-income” is defined as communities where over 80% of students are on reduced lunch meal plans at school.
The Leaky STEM Pipeline- is a metaphor for students’ disproportionate exit from participation in STEM content areas throughout K-12 school and college, resulting in their underrepresentation in STEM careers. Middle and high school ELs, students of color, and girls—particularly those from low-income families[1] and schools—are disproportionately excluded or dropped from the STEM pipeline at formative moments in their academic trajectories (Lyon et al., 2012).
[1] Low-income” is defined as communities where over 80% of students are on reduced lunch meal plans at school.